- Karl-Ernst Vathauer founds MSF-Technik GmbH & Co. KG
- Development and production of the first product for temperature collection and control of heating and cooling aggregates.
- Development and production of the DC Motor regulator series MTR 101, MTR 201, MTR 203 and MTR 204
- Focus of the business activities on conveyor systems technology applications
- Implementation of the first customer-specific requirements
- Design and production of the first frequency inverter VECON
- Integration of the VECON frequency inverter into conveyor applications, packaging machines and bottle filling facilities
- Development of the second frequency inverter generation SICON (first fully digital frequency inverter)
- Integration of the second frequency inverter generation in further industrial applications
- Establishment of the first own subsidiary company in Oborniki (Poland) / Opening up to the Polish market
- Development of the third frequency inverter generation FUTURE DRIVE
- Introduction of our own housing concept and focus on high protection classes.
- Focus on conveyor applications, packaging machines and customer-specific requirements
- Introduction of a Quality Management System according to DIN ISO 9000
- Development of the first decentralised drive automation system for conveyor systems and intralogistics applications.
- Introduction of energy and databus systems into vast, interlinked intralogistic systems
- Development of VECTOR, the fourth frequency inverter generation, and focus on high equipment protection classes for decentralised automation of drive systems
- Introduction of VECTOR into the market and integration into existing facilities for conveyor and packaging technology, as well as for customer-specific applications
- Development and manufacture of drive systems for rail-bound vehicles (trams and subways)
- Nominated for the Oskar the medium-sized businesses
- Marc Vathauer joins the General Management of the company
- The company gets renamed into MSF-Vathauer Drive Technology
- Beginning of the development of Field Drive System®, the second decentralized drive automation solution for engine starter motors and frequency inverters
- Opening of the third company location in Stuttgart as a sales division for Southern Germany
- Expansion of the sales division to China and the UK
- Introduction of the Field Drive System® into intralogistics applications
- Further development of the Field Drive System® with additional function and communication modules
- Expansion of the sales network to the Netherlands (BeNeLux), Austria, Singapore and Switzerland
2011 - 2015:
- Development and production of energy-efficient, decentralised drive solutions
- Development of the Energy Recovery System (ERS) for the recovery of excess drive energy into the facility network without intermediate storage
- Expansion of the sales network to Spain, France, Italy, Turkey, Croatia, Norway, Poland and South Africa
- Expansion of the sales location in Stuttgart
- Awarded with the Industry Prize 2013, Innovation Prize OWL 2013, Transfer Prize 2014 and Innovator Award UK 2015